Yoga therapy is a personalized mind-body approach to holistic wellness that incorporates talk therapy with mindful movement, breathwork, and meditation. It is a compassionate and embodied approach to healing that helps you connect with the wisdom of your body and regulate your nervous system.

My approach to yoga therapy & embodiment coaching is an integration of my personal experience and professional training as an MSW psychotherapist, yoga teacher, yoga & ayurveda therapist, health & wellness coach, and my extensive studies in somatic and mind-body approaches to healing.


Each session and each person’s process will vary depending on individual goals, needs, and situations. Some sessions may focus more on the somatic (body-based) experience, and others may include more talk therapy and exploration. Each person’s goals will vary but often relate in some way to reconnecting with one’s innate vitality, wisdom, peace, or clarity.


Grief is a natural and universal experience of adaptation to change. It could be from the death of a loved one or pet, the end of a relationship, pregnancy loss and fertility challenges, job loss, health conditions, identity changes, or anytime when our reality is not what we imagined.

We often think of the feelings of grief  - sadness, longing, anger, guilt, denial - but loss and life changes affect us not only emotionally but also physically, mentally, and spiritually, thus healing must address all aspects of self.

Loss activates our stress response and the emotions of grief can get stuck in the body leading to a range of physical experiences such as tightness in the chest and throat, muscle pain, headaches, digestive issues, trouble sleeping, and anxiety.

Yoga means union, to yoke, or unite mind, body, and spirit, and yoga therapy is a personalized process that integrates talk therapy, mindful movement, meditation, breathing techniques, and nervous system regulation so that holistic healing and integration can occur.